The build up
CROWDEDEVENTS made a significant move with the offer of sponsoring the Major Events International, UK Events Summit. After years of the notorious ‘MEI Lanyard’ being blue and blending in so well in the formal environment, CROWDEDEVENTS’ offer included the change of colour to represent our brand of ‘Pink’.
After a little wait, CROWDEDEVENTS found out they were awarded the lanyard sponsorship:
James Mildenhall, The CROWDEDEVENTS Founder says “the opportunity to make such an impact and have the visual presence at both the Major Events International Symposium and the UK Events Summit was something we couldn’t turn down. To see the pink across all our peers and provoke questions on our products was well worth the outlay. A big statement which left an imprint on our peer. One where our lanyards will be sat in offices gently reminding those in our industry of our presence and impact”
The Event
Major Events International look to combine the members symposium with the UK Events Summit (UKES) providing a sound platform to network and absorb information from those active in our industry. It stretches over the two days of the 25th and 26th October, concluding with a Gala Dinner and awards presentation on the evening of the 26th.
The first day saw many businesses come together and integrate as individuals. Business varied in scale from start up like CROWDEDEVENTS, through to larger multi region event and tech companies. The day went on to include a fast speed dating type networking opportunity that was well orchestrated by the MEI team. The format was in a musical chair type fashion, allowing individuals to sit opposite another and rotate as the music stopped (the reference to music in this analogy was a phone alarm controlled by the one and only, Andy Rice of MEI).
Companies than had their best ’60 second’ pitch on hand allowing for a two-minute chat, pitches of 60 seconds a companies. Much was good for such a start up like us, refining our pitch and getting clearer on our marketing message the more people we sat in front of. Lastly, we left with several business cards both of enabler type businesses but also competitors. Both very valuable as we take a collaborative approach to the marketplace.
Day 1 concluded with breakout sessions, set with industry professionals which has a link to the core value / product of your business. We selected to sit and speak with a lovely lady from Everton Football club, specifically on ticketing systems but much more was learnt from those in the ‘huddle’ especially of the trials and tribulations both on and off the pitch of Everton, most notably their new stadium development.
Day 2 saw much excitement with a packed agenda of the UK Events Summit. Lots of formal discussion by professionals as well as two-way networking opportunities throughout the whole day.
The evening saw the Gala Dinner, hosted by a Mark Jones, a local compare which always makes for a more interesting of dinners. With a slight bit of anticipation in the air from many companies due to their nominations by peers for awards, the night was set out to be special.
CROWDEDEVENTS went into the evening knowing we had been nominated for an award but unsure to what level or, given the amazing competitors in this category, that we wouldn’t even stand a chance. As the awards evening went on and their announcements between courses, up comes the category the CROWDEDEVENTS team had been waiting for… ‘Best Technology Innovation’…
With a feeling that it was just a nice to be nominated, the next minute the CROWDEDEVENTS name was called…. With complete surprise, the team had taken a ‘Highly Commended’ award for their CROWDHUBx platform.

CROWDEDEVENTS Founder James Mildenhall picking up the Highly Commended Award for Best Technology Innovation, 2022.
A huge honoured and massive step in the right direction, the whole team were over the moon to have received such good praise.
“For the whole CROWDEDEVENTS team this recognition by peers sets the scene for our future. It confirms we’re doing the right things and being noticed for it. It the next step of motivation for our other system development teams and friendly rivalry to exceed one another. We’ll continue to work hard this will hopefully lead to more recognition in the future”
Kirsty McIntyre – CROWDEDEVENTS, Head of System Development
You go through many thoughts as a start up in the big bad industry that you have operated within for many years, however taking the step to become a business owner is hard, it can be lonely and full of risk and unknowns. The recognition that we have received across this whole weekend, including the award in the evening has cemented the move we made and that it’s been a hugely positive one, not just for us but one where we add value to an international industry.